OEM MES: the MES for machinery manufacturers

Reliable, robust and easy to install

OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) MES is the ideal solution for machinery manufacturers:
equipping your machines with our software brings them into line with the principles of Industry 4.0, and gives you an advantage over your competitors.

Our OEM MES has the following major benefits:

  • equip all the machines you make with a personalised production management MES software;
  • offer your clients an innovative product, in line with the principles of  Industry 4.0.

The idea behind the process of customising our OEM MES software  is to give the end client, the client for your machines, a user friendly, simple and easy to use graphic interface, which can show them the main production and cycle progress data: number of parts to make, number of completed parts, machine efficiency, alarms and faults.

In combination with the AreaM2M application, the MES can communicate and exchange data using the machine’s factory protocol. 

Available functions

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