Privacy Policy visitors

Area Professional uses cookies to assure its users access to the information available on as simply and efficiently as possible.  Disabling the cookies used by our website may affect your browsing experience.

Area Professional, with a view to maximum transparency and ease of browsing for the end user, has minimised its use of cookies and guarantees that your personal data will be processed in full respect for your Privacy.

NOTICE ON TECHNICAL AND SESSION COOKIES pursuant to art. 13 of Italian Legislative Decree 196/2003
The regulations governing the use of “cookies” and similar tools (web beacons/web bugs, clear GIFs, etc.) on user terminals (personal computers, notebooks, tablet pcs, smartphones, etc.), have recently been modified in the light of Directive 2009/136 which modifies the “e-Privacy” Directive (2002/58/EC) and the provision of the Italian Data Protection Authority “Simplified Arrangements to Provide Information and Obtain Consent Regarding Cookies – 8 May 2014”

This document contains the following sections:

  • About cookies.
  • Types of cookies.
  • Third-party cookies.
  • How to manage cookies.
  • Cookies on the Area Professional website

About cookies :
Cookies are strings of text used to automatically authenticate, track the sessions of, and save specific information about users who access the Area Professional server.  In detail, cookies are small text strings sent by the Area Professional server to a web client (generally a browser) and then returned by the client to the server (without modification) every time the user accesses a given portion of a given web domain. A cookie is thus a small file which requests the user’s permission to be saved to their computer’s hard drive. Once this consent has been given, the file is added and the cookie is used to analyse the user’s web traffic, so that one can track when they visit a given website. In this way, the web application can adapt its operations to the user’s specific needs and tastes, by collecting and saving information about their preferences.

Types of cookies :
Technical cookies: also known as essential cookies, these are required for certain sections of the website to operate. These cookies, sent by our domain, are necessary for displaying the website correctly in relation to the technical services it offers, and are always sent and used, unless the user modifies the settings of their browser*. These cookies can be of two categories: ’session cookies’ and ’persistent cookies’. Session cookies are temporary cookies which remain on the device until the user leaves the website. Persistent cookies remain on the device for much longer, or until manually cancelled
Analytical cookies: these cookies are used to collect information about the use of the website. Area Professional uses this information for anonymised statistical analysis to improve the use of the website and make its content more attractive and relevant to its users’ interests. This type of cookie collects anonymous data about the user’s activity and how they came to visit the website. Analytical cookies are sent by the website itself or by third-party domains.
Third-party service analysis cookies: these cookies are used to collect anonymous information about its users’ use of the website, including: pages visited, length of stay, origin of traffic, geographical location, age, gender and interests for marketing campaigns. These cookies are sent by third-party domains outside the website.
Cookies for integrating third-party software products and functions: this type of cookie integrates functions developed by third parties into the pages of the website, like icons and the preferences expressed on social media channels, so as to share the content of the website, or the use of third-party software services (like mapping software and other software offering supplementary services). These cookies are sent by third-party domains and partner websites offering their services on the website’s pages.
Profiling cookies: these are cookies used to create user profiles to send marketing messages in line with the preferences expressed by users on the website’s pages. does not use profiling cookies.

Third-party cookies :
This type of cookie integrates functions developed by third parties into the pages of the website, like icons and the preferences expressed on social media channels, so as to share the content of the website, or the use of third-party software services (like mapping software and other software offering supplementary services). These cookies are sent by third-party domains offering their services on the website’s pages .

The user may express their consent to these types of cookie in the following ways:

By specific configuration of the browser or related programs used to navigate the pages making up the website.
By modifying the settings for the use of third-party services

The third-party cookies used on the Area Professional website include: 

Google Analytics: a service offered by Google Inc. which generates detailed statistics on the website’s traffic and the sources of the traffic. It is the most commonly used statistical service. Google Analytics can monitor users coming from all links outside the website, including search engines and social networks, direct visits and referring websites. It also displays publicity, pay-per-click, email marketing and links in PDFs. The notice is available at:
Web Beacons: also called “tracking pixels”, “1×1 gifs”, “single pixel gifs”, “pixel tags” or “action tags”, these are graphic images, generally no larger than 1 pixel x 1 pixel, which are used to collect anonymous information about the ways a website is used by its users, and to offer personalised content. They can also identify types of browsers, and the words entered by users in the search engines which lead them to the website. Web Beacons in emails enable their user to know whether the recipient has received, opened or clicked on links in the email itself.

How to manage cookies:
We list below the pages of browser producer websites which detail how to set the privacy and tracking preferences in the user’s browser:
Mozilla Firefox:  HYPERLINK “”Blocking cookies
Google Chrome:  HYPERLINK “”Managing cookies and website data
Safari 6/7 (Mavericks):  HYPERLINK “”Managing cookies and other website data
Safari 8 (Yosemite):  HYPERLINK “”Managing cookies and website data
Internet Explorer:  HYPERLINK “”Blocking and allowing cookies
Opera:  HYPERLINK “”Cookies
Safari iOS (mobile):  HYPERLINK “”Web settings for Safari on iPhone, iPad and iPod touch
Area Professional uses cookies to assure its users access to the information available on as simply and efficiently as possible. Disabling the cookies used by our website may affect your browsing experience.

Area Professional, with a view to maximum transparency and ease of browsing for the end user, has minimised its use of cookies and guarantees that your personal data will be processed with full respect for your privacy.